Senin, 26 Januari 2009

Why the PS3 is so Great

Well! The Nintendo’s and Apple’s of this world can wait. Sony keeps arriving with a bang each time and subtly mars any of their chances. Again, this time with the gaming console PS3 or playstation 3, Sony has come up just the perfect way. The PS3 has completely caught the imagination of masses and the gaming console is fast turning people into islands. Most of them just need this unique piece in their hand and the rest of the world might go to the dogs for all they care. Funny! The way the playstation gets stuck in our psyche. Now the PS3 is completely blessed with graphic interfaces and multimedia capabilities. The multimedia-enabled videos open a different world in the gaming consoles. The playstation 3 revolutions can be gauged by the download statistic associated with it. Portals are having a field day. There are a sizeable amount of them and each is making tidy business letting people download games on to their PS3. Now few cautions: while downloading on to your PS3, never go for a peer-to-peer file sharing program. It introduces a lot of malware and Trojans and also the quality of download is debatable. Downloading from an authentic portal is just the right idea. It may take an initial subscription fee but that is only a one time fee with no further hidden costs. With each extra download on to PS3, the cost per download effectively minimizes. There are many ways to get a free PS3. Let’s understand one of them. Register with a free PS3 site and insert a genuine shipping address so that they may send your PS3 to the right place. Now Sony is fighting home brew battles and though it is sincerely upgrading the firmware for playstation 3, each time it is outsmarted by hackers. Hackers do not like themselves being called pirates. They believe that Sony fundamentally denies its user the highest pleasure that can be drawn through PS3. Its aim is to profit and hence it does not open all the locks to the hardware as it might enhance manufacturing costs. The PS3 homebrew wizards simply run unassigned codes in the hardware and enable a lot more multimedia features in the unit. The users suddenly feel a new PS3 breathing within the old one. The only issue is that your warranty will be annulled by Sony if you use any of the modified codes for your PlayStation 3. The PS3 hardware is strong enough to be used in supercomputers and other advanced computing models. Sony has introduced system software and the update can be downloaded from playstation network. The Playstation 3 has outsold Xbox 360 since sometime in the middle of the year 2007. The dreaded red rings of the Xbox have already fuelled a lot of buyer apprehension towards it. As of now, Playstation 3 is not suffering from any hardware reverses. Free PS3’s are up for grabs. Just make hay while Sony is shining.

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